There is a reason for everything. That's how I think about life: there is a reason for success, there is a reason for failure, there is a reason you are alive right now, and there is a reason why you might die tomorrow. And guess what? There is a reason why you are not happy.
You Can't Think Big
One of the reasons for not being happy is that you cannot think big. Being humble does not make you happy. You have one life; why don't you at least try to think a little bigger?
You Don't Execute
If you find yourself with big goals, big ideas, and the best intentions but still feeling unhappy, it is because you are not executing. This can be due to many things, such as laziness, not believing in yourself, or having too much responsibility on you that you cannot think of anything else.
You Are Not Consistent
Maybe you can execute, and you can think big, but you're still not feeling as you should. It's because you are not consistent. You are not doing it every single day for months or years. You want it very fast. But let me tell you something: if you can think big, if you can think about billions, then you need to know that it will take a lot of time and effort.
You Have Failed
Failure is the worst of all, and to be honest, it's something you cannot change. It happens all the time, and there is not very much you can do when you fail at something. The only thing is just to start the cycle one more time.
A person is nothing without a goal. If you don't have a goal in mind, you will always feel bad. Have some goals. If you don't have a goal in mind, find one. Find something as small as possible, give it time, and make sure you are doing it, and you will realize how happy you can be.
Siavash Delkhosh - CEO