There come days when you might not understand what you are doing with your life. I want to share with you that when creating a startup, this feeling surfaces quite frequently. Today, I am experiencing one of those days, and I have decided to jot down my thoughts about it. More importantly, I want to describe how I bring myself back, take action, and strive to achieve greatness once again. As is my routine, I like to wake up as early as possible. I aim for 7 hours of sleep, so having gone to bed at 10:30 pm, I woke up at 5:30 am. After waking up and taking a shower, I realized that today is one of those days when I lack the passion to create something extraordinary. Nevertheless, I decided to start coding for the new PrimeFinder dashboard. By 11:00 am, I was done. I then decided to grab some coffee and take a walk to ponder the reason behind my lack of enthusiasm. Usually, a loss of hope or passion for a project occurs when I conceive a new idea that seems more lucrative and easier to i...